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Pulse Diagnosis Course - This great talk given by Dr. Monahar is for a course being given by Dr. Paul Morehead.

Ken Roseboro on GMOs - Ken Roseboro, writer, editor and publisher on GMOs, the seeds we plant, the food we eat and coming events, reveals the latest during KHOE interview.

Sweet Sunday - hear Dr. David Orme Johnson interviewed by Karen Aoki and Cy Winther-Tamaki discussing the Maharishi Effect, Group Meditations and Experiences.

Change Makers - hear excerpts from the Change Makers weekend talks including Dr. John Hagelin, Dr. Bobby Roth, and Father Meheja.

The Essence of Buddhism - Listen in to the first lesson on this great course taught by MUM's Dr. Evan Finkelstein who has taught many courses including Maharishi Vedic Science and the religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

"Good health begins in consciousness and the gut" - a talk by Dr. Keith Wallace given on Maharishi's Global Family Chat with Dr. Peter Swan. Dr. Wallace traces this finding back to ancient Ayurveda and the beginnings of modern medicine in Greece.

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